
Link to Battery Kids!

1. Text Link


Battery Kids! Science Projects for Kids

Code:  <a href="" target="_blank" title="Battery Kids! by Chrome Battery" rel="INDEX,FOLLOW">Battery Kids! Science Projects for Kids</a>

2. Logo Link

Example (Clear Background):

Code (Clear Background): <a title="Battery Kids! by Chrome Battery" rel="INDEX,FOLLOW" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" title="Battery Kids! Science Projects for Kids" width="168" height="122" border="0"></a>

Example (White Background):

Code (White Background): <a title="Battery Kids! by Chrome Battery" rel="INDEX,FOLLOW" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" title="Battery Kids! Science Projects for Kids" width="168" height="122" border="0"></a>

3. Square Banner


Code (Clear Background): <a title="Battery Kids! by Chrome Battery" rel="INDEX,FOLLOW" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" title="Battery Kids! Science Projects for Kids" width="200" height="195" border="0"></a>

4. Horizontal Banner

Example: Code:
Please do not change or alter the code...

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